No school?
No problem! Assemble Day Camps can help fill the gap when school is out of session or when you’re just itching to blow off some STEAM.
Assemble Day Camps are STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math) centered programs designed to fill in when school is out of session. Explore the dynamic world of STEAM through hands-on activities and dreaming up creative inventions with Assemble teachers. Assemble Day Camps may include special visits from local artists, makers, and technologists who share their passion and talents with the group.
Upcoming Camps:
February 7th:
Grades 1st-5th
Music Exploration Full Day Camp
February 21st:
Grades 1st-5th
Superheroes in Training Full Day Camp
Full Day: $60 Full Price Registration/$30 Scholarship Registration/FREE for Garfield Residents
Half Day: $30 Full Price Registration/$15 Scholarship Registration/FREE for Garfield Residents