Program Themes


Afrofuturism is the reimagining of a future filled with arts, science, and technology as seen through the lens of the African Diaspora. Learn about the developing intersection and experience of BIPOC people from around the world. Past, present, and future lives inspire an entire world of possibilities that look just like YOU! The development of our Afrofuturism curriculum is supported by The PPG Foundation and Google.

Creative Chemistry

Bring the Next Generation Science Standards to life in your classroom through chemistry! Supported by PPG Foundation, this interactive and creative program focuses on different ways that chemistry is behind all aspects of science.

Make it!

Calling all after-school artists, budding engineers, and young makers!  We’re learning through making, testing out wild ideas, and building a better future. Students explore the wonderful world of STEAM with hands-on activities and dreaming up creative inventions. 


Emerging Engineers

Get hands-on with structural, mechanical, environmental, computer, and bio-engineering! Build bridges, design cars, and learn about machine learning! Engineer design process to prototype, re-imagine, and create the world around you!

Custom Program

You give us an idea of what type of topics you have in mind, and together we will design a custom-built program just for you! Past examples have included themes such as Rube Goldberg, Visual Arts, and more!

School and Community Partners